Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Legal Concerns

I don't really feel informed enough about all the legal concerns teachers have to deal with yet, which actually worries me quite a bit! Just hearing all the different presentations of people speaking about the various court cases made me realize that there are so many legal issues out there for the world of teaching, many of which I'm not even aware of. My biggest concern at the moment is dealing with Special Education children, who have many requirements as far as their learning plans. Working with these children can quickly turn into a big legal mess if their parent feels like I am not providing the most appropriate learning environment for their child, or if they feel the school is not following the IEP or other learning plans made for the child. Aside from that, I know there are a lot of issues with tenure, salary, cutbacks and other various duties as a teacher, which worries me at times, but that constant battle for teachers' rights is just something that comes with the job I believe.

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